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The Auschwitz Album:

The Story of a Transport
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0 Reseñas
Berghahn Books, 2002 - 276 páginas
Presents restored photographs originally taken in June, 1944 by two SS men of one day in the lives of Hungarian Jews as they leave the freight cars at the Auschwitz-Birkenau platform to the collection and sorting of their belongings.

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Laurence Rees
The Auschwitz album
Lili Meier, Peter Hellman
Israel Gutman
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Página 9 - Yad Vashem: The Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem, Israel, among others.
Página 8 - All that is left for us to assert is that the course of Jewish and all human history must hold out the promise of a fundamentally different world.
Página 9 - Every human being who chooses to remember this chapter of history and to infuse it with meaning is thereby choosing to struggle for the preservation of the bedrock moral values that alone make possible the existence of a well-ordered society.
Página 76 - Auschwitz and were responsible for taking the portrait photos of each prisoner (except Jews and Gypsies).
Página 9 - We have made a conscious choice to remember. It is a choice that...
Página 263 - We would also like to thank all those who helped us with...

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En otros libros

Imre Kertész and Holocaust literature

Referencias en páginas web

Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau w Oświęcimiu EN
The new edition, "The Auschwitz Album: The Story of a Transport," is a cooperative effort, co-published by the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and the Yad ...

Untitled Document
The Auschwitz album : the story of a transport / [edited by Israel Gutman, Bella Gutterman ; translation, Naftali Greenwood, Jerzy Michalovic]Jerusalem ...

Education - Teaching the Legacy; E-newsletter
Das Auschwitz – Album; Die Geschichte eines Transportes (The Auschwitz Album ; The Story of a Transport), edited by Israel Gutman, Bella Gutterman ...

Intute: Arts and Humanities - Full record details for Oliver ...
The Auschwitz Album: the Story of a Transport. Auschwitz: Yad Vashem, Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, 2002. This resource is part of: I Survived the ...

שרות התשלומים הממשלתי - חנות הפירסומים של יד ושם
תקציר. It may have been the magic touch of the “angel of history,” or just a simple miracle, that led to the survival of the rare photographic document, ...

Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau w O¶wiêcimiu DE
Die aktuelle Ausgabe des Albums The Auschwitz Album. The Story of a Transport erscheint unter der Auflage und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Staatlichen Museum ...

Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau w Oświęcimiu
The Auschwitz Album. The Story of a Transport ukazało się nakładem i przy współpracy Państwowego Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau oraz Instytutu Pamięci Yad Vashem ...

Exindex - out of focus
As far as the eye can see... Harun Farocki was born in 1944 in Nový Jicin (Neutitschein, Czechoslovakia, now the Czech Republic ). He completed hi

ai Weinberg Ltd. - Book Agency 9 Ben Dor Avenue, Jerusalem, Israel ...
ai Weinberg Ltd. - Book Agency. 9 Ben Dor Avenue, Jerusalem, Israel 96103. poBox 3438. Tel. 972 2 652 4450 Fax. 972 2 652 3051 ...

Histoire, géographie, éducation civique
À la suite du vote en 2001 de la loi reconnaissant la traite et l’esclavage comme un crime contre l’humanité, la date du 10 mai a été retenue par le ...

Información bibliográfica

We wept without tears: testimonies of the Jewish Sonderkommando from Auschwitz
Gidʻon Graif - 01/11/2005 - 381 páginas
0 reseńas
This disturbing book consists of a series of interviews with Jewish survivors of Auschwitz-Birkenau who had been forced by the Germans to facilitate the mass extermination of ... más »
Auschwitz: A New History
Laurence Rees - 10/01/2006 - 368 páginas
0 reseńas
Insights gleaned from more than one hundred original interviews shed new light on history's most notorious death camp, with the testimonies of survivors providing a detailed ... más »
The Auschwitz album: a book based upon an album discovered by a concentration camp survivor, Lili Meier
Lili Meier, Peter Hellman - 1981 - 167 páginas
0 reseńas
A powerful visual presentation of the extermination process at Auschwitz is viewed through candid photographs of its victims. más »